Sunday 25 November 2007

Last Post...

I've been with Weebly for a long time. Jumping from blog to blog. One point even a blgo for UFO's. lol. I thought i saw a ufo once. Cause a green light in the sky. Asked a man that studies it all... it was an asteroid. :D
But now, it's time for my own page...
o wait, forgot the name lol... Hold on... copy into browser.

There we go. :D.

C'ya there!

Monday 19 November 2007

New blog...again

Typical me, i have ANOTHER new blog. But this time, it's ALL mine! lol. And thanks to MG's tips and secrets, it should be great! Not much up there at the moment, but eventually it should be great!
There's the link. This blog will be deleted soon. :(

Tuesday 6 November 2007


Been contacted by Gerogia from scholastic, so hopefully some promotional stuff from scholastic for the release of The Joshua Files: Invisible City at my local waterstones.
Unfortunately the store isn't that big, so whether much will happen i don't know. I assume it will be posters in window etc. Signed copies, posters and a little stand! (Thanks to Scholastic)

That's all!


Wednesday 24 October 2007


Well here the last of the pictures i will put up. There are to many. But some time i may put some more up. But not for a while yet.
I am completely un-news-worthy. Nothing to say. And pictures crowd it up. :D

Monday 22 October 2007

Picture special...

Here's a little picture special post...

Californian Fires...

Earlier today, i recieved new from a few of my friends living in California, that fires had broken out. 5mintes ago, they evacuated their homes. Hope and pray they will be ok. Good news though, he's aloud to evacuate his dog!


Isle Of Wight...

My first picture has finaly been uploaded to blogspot. That picture was taken yesterday. Beautiful isn't it. I will have one photo with each post!
